Saturday, 28 May 2011

A New Child is Born!

Welcome to all those who find this new blog!  It was decided to start a blog for the club and to use it as another tool to communicate with not only the club members but also the outside world! What we want is your news, your match reports and your photos.  It is your site and your assistance in making it worth looking at each week would be much appreciated.  Some of the posts will be funny (or at least attempt to be) and some of a serious nature (but not tooooo serious!) We will try to keep it updated as much as we can but we are looking for volunteers to offer a helping hand.

The photo is of an exceptionally cold but happy band of Ballidalloch curlers who enjoyed the hospitality of their Aberlour hosts at the pond opposite the Fleming Hospital.  A great time was had by all including a very ickle Ian Kennedy (just visable in his Mum's "does my belly look big in this?" jacket!!!!!).

We will try through the summer to put out a wee something every week and keep you all updated as to what is going on in the background in preparation for the new season.  AGM details will follow and the progress made in solving the issues that were highlighted. So keep on dropping in to see us and please start sending your news of what's happening during your summer, curling related or not!!!!!

I look forward to hearing your comments and getting your news and as you can see we have started a Members Profiles Scetion so don't be Shy!!!!!........

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